Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Inner Beauty - Girls on the Run

I got connected with this next important cause - Girls on the Run - by my good friend, Molly, who heads up the program in LA. Their mission and vision represent the very essence of the important work this organization is doing:

Mission: We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.

Vision: We envision a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.

For me, these pictures represent inner beauty and confidence that many girls who engage in this program embody. Purchase one picture and you'll contribute to the supporting the curriculum for these girls.... Buy both and your donation could buy a new pair of running shoes for one of the girls.

Click on any image to purchase. 

Finally, Happy Birthday, Molly! Thank you for the amazing work you are doing to support these beautiful girls in LA!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Giving Tuesday - Grateful for Support.

Today is Giving Tuesday and in the last hours of the day, I thought I'd plug a place that you could give today - Images for Better. In the last few weeks I've had a few people support by buying photos - in which all proceeds will go to the featured cause. Here are the pictures that were chosen (all supporting We the Change Foundation). I would love it if you would consider buying a photo or if not, to share this with your friends and family.... Every photo counts. (Just click on photo to purchase.)

I am grateful to all of those who have and continue to support my efforts.... More to come!

Thank you, Rene!

Thank you, Kendra!

Thank you, Shawn!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

About to Bloom

Today is my 38th birthday and more than any other birthday, I am feeling full of great anticipation for what this next year has in store.

I've got great plans for my Images for Better project including a goal of raising at least $3800 (get it? $100 for each year :-)) in this next year.

So my birthday wish is for you to stay tuned, support and follow me on this journey to making the world a better place. I'm about to bloom - how's that for a teaser!?!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

We the Change Foundation - Sunrise In Kenya

My grandmother asked me to pick a photo in exchange for a donation to "We the Change Foundation" she sent me recently. I had free reign.... but went back and forth on which one my grandmother would like. She made one comment - "I don't want a sunset picture because that means the day is over".... So I chose the antithesis - a sunrise, which to me represents a fresh new day full of hope and opportunity to make a difference in this world.

We the Change Foundation is changing the lives of children in Kenya every day and they need funds to expand their reach. You can purchase the photo above (just click on the image) to help this awesome organization. All proceeds will go to We the Change Foundation.

Thank you, Grandma, for the inspiration and your constant encouragement. I love you!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

We The Change Foundation - Children

There is a soft spot in my heart for this next featured cause: We The Change Foundation. During my visit to Kenya in March, I was able to meet the founder and subsequently the children of the Mathare Slum Project in Nairobi.

We The Change believes that "early childhood education and care is vital to the process of a child’s brain development. This is even more so for children living in poverty." They "believe that by investing in a child’s cognitive, motor, and social-emotional development before they reach school age, they will be given a stronger chance to escape poverty and to secure a more positive future for themselves." 

I visited the 31 children that attend the Mathare Early Childhood Centre. The energy and emotions of the children were opposite of what I expected - the air was full of happiness, passion and inspiration. I couldn't understand it - I mean these children live with no running water or electricity and sewage filled pathways between their "homes". It came clear as I watched the kids and adults interact throughout the morning.... they have a community: one of which everyone cares for each other. We The Change is allowing for this community to grow and I was so glad to be a part of witnessing that.

I want to keep that community together and give just a little bit of hope to these children as well as the others that will have this opportunity thanks to We The Change. In the next 5 years, We The Change would like to infiltrate the entire country of Kenya and you can help.

All of the proceeds of the photos in this post will benefit We The Change. Click on the image and you'll get details on how to purchase. You can also donate directly here. If you choose the latter, let me know - I will e-mail you a digital desktop photo of your choice (of the photos here) as a thank you for your support.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Lake Tanganyika Floating Medical Clinic - Indian Ocean Blues and Greens

I assure you that you’ll be inspired by my next cause - Lake Tanganyika Floating Medical Clinic. Take a few minutes to peruse their website and watch the videos… Their goal is to provide medical services to the 3 million people living along the remote coast of Lake Tanganyika. In a region where the only reliable transportation takes place by boat, they decided to build a regional hospital on a ship that travels up and down the coastlines serving the remote lakeside communities. But they are more than a floating hospital, they are partners to the lakeside communities, advocating for the needs of the lake and her people. 
Pretty tall task, but you can help!
The pictures below are taken at the beautiful Indian Ocean off of the East Kenya Coast. The first picture represents the "old way" of serving the communities (via camels) and the second two pictures  represent the smallest versions of the ship and people that bring hope to millions in the communities along Lake Tanganyika. 

These three pictures are all for sale and all proceeds will go to the Lake Tanganyika Floating Medical Clinic. You can purchase any of the photos by clicking on the image(s) of choice or donate directly here. If you choose the latter, just let me know that you’ve donated and I will send you a digital file of the picture of your choice to use as a desktop photo. Either way, you are helping an amazing cause! Please pass along to anyone that you think may want to support the need in Lake Tanganyika. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust - Elephants

I was fortunate to visit the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust this past week and just loved the measures this organization is taking to preserve and protect wildlife. If you’ve never been to Africa, let me tell you, it is breath taking. I can’t imagine losing this beauty to poaching or any other anti-preservation measures.
Please support the preservation of our world by purchasing any one of these pictures (just click on the image) or you can donate directly here  and I will send you a digital file for a desktop/screensaver as a small thank you. (Just let me know that you've done so.)
Thank you in advance for supporting this cause and helping the need of the world!

UPDATED: Additional Elephant Pictures (the first two of which are of orphans benefiting from the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust).... Look at how happy they look! :-)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Opportunity International - Lions

My first highlighted cause is Opportunity International . I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to experience Kenya these past couple of weeks and have witnessed the great beauty combined with the great need of this country. Opportunity International provides micro finance, loans, savings, insurance and training to over two million people working their way out of poverty in the developing world. Their big focus is providing these services to woman. 

These pictures show adult lionesses guarding their little ones. They work together to provide for the cubs some going out and hunting and others staying back to nurse any cub that’s hungry. The sense of family and strength was eminent as I witnessed this pride together. Opportunity International is supporting many families allowing them to live as the lions I witnessed are able to live. 

I ask you to provide support by purchasing a photo by clicking on your choice below or by donating directly here to Opportunity International. If you go with the latter, please let me know and I will send you a digital file of a desktop photo of your choice from the pictures below as a way to say thank you. 

Thanks in advance for your support! This is a great cause… one that is truly making a difference in our world!