Thursday, March 22, 2012

Opportunity International - Lions

My first highlighted cause is Opportunity International . I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to experience Kenya these past couple of weeks and have witnessed the great beauty combined with the great need of this country. Opportunity International provides micro finance, loans, savings, insurance and training to over two million people working their way out of poverty in the developing world. Their big focus is providing these services to woman. 

These pictures show adult lionesses guarding their little ones. They work together to provide for the cubs some going out and hunting and others staying back to nurse any cub that’s hungry. The sense of family and strength was eminent as I witnessed this pride together. Opportunity International is supporting many families allowing them to live as the lions I witnessed are able to live. 

I ask you to provide support by purchasing a photo by clicking on your choice below or by donating directly here to Opportunity International. If you go with the latter, please let me know and I will send you a digital file of a desktop photo of your choice from the pictures below as a way to say thank you. 

Thanks in advance for your support! This is a great cause… one that is truly making a difference in our world!

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