Friday, March 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Images For Better - New Website!

Images for Better got a new website for it's birthday today! It's way more easy to navigate and has all of my causes and pictures for sale in one spot!

Check it out by clicking here!

Moving forward, please visit the website to stay up to date on new causes and images....

Thank you for your support!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Images for Better: Year One in Review

Tomorrow is Images for Better's First Birthday! Below is a quick recap of what was accomplished through this tiny program in just one year.

In year one Images for Better:

Raised: $483.42 (and I'm still counting - we have one more day - today!)
Sold: 20 Images
Supported: Six Beautiful Charities
Visited (twice): The children of Mathare and the amazing work of We The Change...
Then: Went on to sell 11 photos from that trip and raised over $270 for We The Change Foundation!

This is just the beginning! I am really excited to see what this next year has in store and to launch some new projects to continue to gain more exposure.... Stay tuned, but in the meantime, you can get involved! Scroll down to my old posts and purchase a picture! All net proceeds (usually about $25) go directly to the featured cause!

Friday, March 15, 2013

We The Change - A Year Later

As many of you know, I returned to Nairobi, Kenya this past month and was able to return to the Mathare Childhood Education Center. I was completely moved once again by the work that We The Change Foundation is doing and really excited to see that they are expanding the program as hoped per their goals. It was also awesome to see how the children had grown some from looking weak last year to healthy, happy and strong this year!

I will continue to feature this cause until they reach their goal of infiltrating into all 47 counties in Kenya. You can help too!

Below are two additional pictures that you can purchase to support this beautiful organization. (Just click on the photo to buy.) All net proceeds (approximately $25 per picture) get directly donated to the We The Change Foundation.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Preserving Beauty: Alliance for the Great Lakes

Today is my good friend, Lynn's birthday and in honor of her I've chosen one of Lynn's favorite causes: Alliance for the Great Lakes.

I feel so fortunate every time I see and photograph Lake Michigan. It is just so beautiful!

The Alliance for the Great Lakes' mission is "to conserve and restore the world's largest freshwater resource using policy, education and local efforts, ensuring a healthy Great Lakes and clean water for generations of people and wildlife."

You can support this great organization by purchasing the photo below. All net proceeds will go to Alliance for the Great Lakes and "will help protect these lakes and preserve their legacy of clean water for all of us for generations."

Can you imagine losing this beauty? I can't. Please help preserve it!

Lake Michigan, Chicago, IL.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Inner Beauty - Girls on the Run

I got connected with this next important cause - Girls on the Run - by my good friend, Molly, who heads up the program in LA. Their mission and vision represent the very essence of the important work this organization is doing:

Mission: We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.

Vision: We envision a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.

For me, these pictures represent inner beauty and confidence that many girls who engage in this program embody. Purchase one picture and you'll contribute to the supporting the curriculum for these girls.... Buy both and your donation could buy a new pair of running shoes for one of the girls.

Click on any image to purchase. 

Finally, Happy Birthday, Molly! Thank you for the amazing work you are doing to support these beautiful girls in LA!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Giving Tuesday - Grateful for Support.

Today is Giving Tuesday and in the last hours of the day, I thought I'd plug a place that you could give today - Images for Better. In the last few weeks I've had a few people support by buying photos - in which all proceeds will go to the featured cause. Here are the pictures that were chosen (all supporting We the Change Foundation). I would love it if you would consider buying a photo or if not, to share this with your friends and family.... Every photo counts. (Just click on photo to purchase.)

I am grateful to all of those who have and continue to support my efforts.... More to come!

Thank you, Rene!

Thank you, Kendra!

Thank you, Shawn!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

About to Bloom

Today is my 38th birthday and more than any other birthday, I am feeling full of great anticipation for what this next year has in store.

I've got great plans for my Images for Better project including a goal of raising at least $3800 (get it? $100 for each year :-)) in this next year.

So my birthday wish is for you to stay tuned, support and follow me on this journey to making the world a better place. I'm about to bloom - how's that for a teaser!?!